How To Save Money From Your Salary

Hello everyone! Do you wonder about how to save money from your salary? Whether you’re saving money to buy something, saving for the future or trying to be smart with your money. Learning to save is important. Don’t get worried, you’re not alone!

There are many employees, adults even students who are struggling to save their money. That’s why I gathered some real expert advice and going to share it to help you start your saving journey.

Understanding Salary

First thing first, let’s know about your salary means. Your salary is the amount of money you receive for the job you do. You also need to know the difference between your gross income and net income. These incomes have different definitions in business so, don’t get confused.

  • Gross Income: It is the total amount of money you earn before any deductions like tax, allowance, insurance and so on.
                Gross Income= Your Salary (without deduction)
  • Net Income: This is the actual money you take home after the deduction.
                Net Income= Gross Salary - All Deduction

Knowing your net income is important because it shows how much money you take home and helps you manage your finances by budgeting. It also helps you to save money on taxes.

Setting Financial Goals

Now you have some clarity to know how much money you have. Setting Financial goals is the best way to stay motivated to achieve that goal. You need a clear reason to start saving money because the reason makes you disciplined in your goals. Here are some examples:

  • Short-term goals: Saving your money for what you want to buy soon, it could be video games, gadgets, or travel.
  • Long-term goals: These are bigger things that take more time to save money. like car, house, education fees like that.

Creating Financial goals helps you to get clarity to working towards the goals, and it feels satisfying after achieving them.

Creating a Budget

A budget is like a blueprint to manage money. It helps you see how much money you have coming in and what you’re spending. Why a budget is important?

  • Track Money: List all your expenses like clothes, movies, food and everything you spend money on.
  • Spending Habits: Cut down unwanted expenses that you don’t need. Stop buying things that you don’t need.
  • Increase Savings: Save the money that you saved from unwanted expenses (unwanted things).
  • Save Money: Decide what you want to save your money for, like a new bike, an emergency fund, or even a house.
  • Plan for the Future: By creating a budget plan you can save some money but, that is not enough. You need to invest some into low-risk assets to overcome inflation. By saving and investing, you prepare for a better financial future.

Budgeting is a super way to save money it helps you Achieve Goals, Financial Security, and manage your money.

Reducing Debt

How to Reduce Debt

Debt is the biggest enemy of your money. It’s like having a heavy stone in your backpack that makes it hard to move forward. Here’s how you can overcome the load and reduce your debt:

  1. Create a List
    • Write down all the money you owe. This includes things like bills, loans, and any other debts.
    • Include the amount you owe and the interest rates. Interest rates are extra costs added to the money you borrowed.
  2. Pay More
    • Each month, try to pay more than the actual (minimum) amount due. The minimum payment is the smallest amount you can pay, but paying money keeps you in debt for a longer time.
    • Paying extra money helps you clear debt faster because you pay off more than what you borrowed instead of interest.
  3. Use Extra Money
    • If you get extra money, like a gift, lottery, bonus, or tax refund, use it to pay off debt.
    • Extra payments can make a big difference in reducing your debt short time.

Reducing debt is more important because it releases more of your income. When you have less or no debt, you have more chances to save money and spend on things you want or need. These steps guide you to take control of your finances and you can work by living debt-free!!

Automate Savings

Two robots saving money in the piggy bank it defines the automation of saving money

Imagine if you could save money without even thinking about saving! That’s what automating your savings can do. Here’s how you can set it up:

  1. Automatic Transfers: Create a High-interest savings account in the bank that supports automated transfer features. Set a part of your salary to transfer into the savings account every month. In this way, you save money without any work.

“Set it and Forget it”

  1. Savings Apps: Automated savings apps help you make your work easier by saving your money. Some apps round up your purchases to the nearest dollar and save the balance change for you.

By taking advantage of technologies you can use those automated savings apps to save money is the smartest way in the current situation.

Invest Your Salary

Saving is Good, but investing is Great it helps your money grow. Here’s a simple way to start your investing journey:

  1. Learn the Basics: learn about different types of investments or assets like stocks, real estate, and mutual funds. Many online resources and books explain this investment in an easy way to understand.
  2. Start Small: You don’t need a lot of money to start investing. Some investing apps allow you to invest even less than 10 rupees.
  3. Analyse Asset: At the beginning don’t invest huge money in something. Before you invest your money into something you must do some research and analyse the asset.

Investing a part of your salary is a great way to grow your money in the long run because it can beat inflation over time.

Expert Advice

Sometimes, it’s helpful to get advice from Expert. You need to know when and how to get advice from finance experts

  • When to Seek Advice: If you have no clue about how to save money or manage your finances and want to start investing, a financial expert can help.
  • Choose Expert: Pick someone who has great experience in this industry with good reviews and testimonials.
  • Why Expert: A financial advisor can build a customized suitable plan to your needs based on your current situation. They have more knowledge and experience to manage your money and you can also save more money.

Extra Tips for Saving


Sometimes you can get an offer at a lower price for your shopping by asking the seller. The negotiation mostly happens in local (offline) markets.

Cashback Apps

These apps give you a reward when you shop through the apps. Those rewards are helping to buy some products.

Buy in Bulk

Buy regular usage products in bulk quantities like shampoo, toothpaste, and grocery by buying bulk you can save money in the long term.


Saving money from your salary isn’t hard. You can save easily by avoiding unwanted expenses, automatic savings, investing and paying off debt. Start saving a small amount of money, and you’ll get huge results in a long time. The important thing in saving money is consistent saving and making smart financial decisions. Cooking at home instead of eating out, and spending extra money on a birthday. Instead of those expenses, you can pay off your debt, which can make a big difference in your financial situation.

What do you think? We’d love to hear your opinion from you and find more ways to save money. Do you have any other ideas to save money? leave your ideas and experience in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Start small. Even saving 100rs a month can add up over time. Look for small expenses to cut, like making coffee at home instead of buying it.

Yes, It helps you overcome unexpected expenses without going into debt, like medical expenses, and vehicle service. which is a big part of how to save money.

Absolutely! Many applications and services let you start investing with a small amount of money. It’s a great way to improve your savings.

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